Warriors Characters Wiki

Hawkstorm is a muscular brown tabby, his fur matted with the bones of mise and his pelt battle scarred. The large tom has hostipeegreen eyes, a folded ear and a kinked tail along with long, jagged claws.


Hawkstorm, previously known as Hawk, was born to Violet and Bracken along side his sister Pebble and brother Furze in an abandoned barn. When Hawk and his siblings were just four weeks old, an old cat known as Rat stole the three, taking them to a rouge group in the city and presenting them to the leader Claw. Rat explains that he found the three abandoned near a Foxes den in a small patch of trees, stating that he believed their parents had been killed by the fox.

Claw accepts this story and welcomes the three stolen kits into his group, assigning a she-cat known as thunder to mother them. Three moons had passed, Hawk and his siblings were still kits when a patrol of BreezeClan warriors attacked the rogue, taking the three with them back to the pine forest they called home under the impression that they were hostages or had been stolen from their mother.

BreezeClan’s leader, Hollystar, a thick black furred she cat with grey blue eyes, assigned Pineheart as their foster mother, a queen who had recently lost all but one of her kits. The three grew up believing Pineheart and Smokeclaw were their parents, no cat willing to correct them. Hawkkit soon became Hawkpaw along with his siblings, his mentor being a tom named Grasstuft. During his apprenticeship, the Clan began noticing how much time the apprentice was spending in the medicine cat den, helping the medicine cat Nightflurry with their chores. He eventually decided to abandon his warrior training and switched to a medicine cat apprentice.

Hawkpaw took part in the battle with DarkClan, helping his clanmates whenever he found the chance. Furzepaw had become terribly wounded during the battle and eventually died a few hours after the battle had ended, Hawkpaw blaming himself for his death for several moons. Hawkpaw soon became Hawkstorm, now a full medicine cat of BreezeClan, his sister becoming Pebblefrost a few moons prior.

Hawkstorm found himself falling in love with a tom named Sunstreak, a half-clan cat, his mother being a BreezeClan cat and his father being a StormClan cat. Hawkstorm helped Sunstreak overcome the shame he had suffered his entire life, and the two soon became mates in secret, Sunstreak disagreeing with the part of the medicine cat code that forbid medicine cats from having mates.

During a hunting patrol Sunstreak had found two kits hidden under some bushes and decided to bring them back to camp, naming them Dovekit and Pigeonkit. Sunstreak and Hawkstorm acted as their parents, a queen named Sparkfire deciding to foster the two, aware of Sunstreak and Hawkstorm’s relationship. The pair of kits soon became apprentices, Pigeonpaw being assigned to Mistbrook and Dovepaw being assigned to Thrufur.

Pebblefrost soon became aware of her brothers relationship and confronted the two, agreeing to keep it a secret and confessing that she had feeling for the Lightningclan warrior tom oaktuft. Pebblefrost eventually left breezeclan and joined Lightningclan, becoming mates with oaktuft and having in


and is taken back to the small clearing where they had decided to stay. Bracken tells hawkstorm a prochecy he had received just after they had been stolen away, explaining that he had a feeling it was important. Bracken died soon after and hawkstorm quickly figured out the prochecys meaning, deciding to go back to the clans.

